Myofascial Cupping Technique: Level One Workshop
The Myofascial Cupping Technique provides profound benefits for your clients, particularly with assisting the body in maintaining Range Of Motion, eliminating Myofascial Trigger Points and reducing restrictive and sometimes painful fascial adhesions commonly found from repetitive movement originating from sports and the workplace. By reducing fascial adhesions, while encouraging optimal hydration levels of soft tissue, Myofascial Cupping can assist in reducing the incidence of injury and maintaining functional soft tissue.
How does it work?
By creating a Negative Pressure (tensional) above the surface of the tissues, we decrease the atmospheric pressure allowing the tissue to be lifted and thus causing changes in pressure beneath the skin including the muscle and surrounding fascia. Importantly, our gliding technique creates a traditional MFR technique (push/compression effect) using the leading rim of the cup, which is then followed by a 'lifting' negative pressure over the same area (pull effect). As the cup leaves the area we once again create a push/compression effect.
Why you should attend this workshop
Learn to lift and separate soft tissue, rather than compression techniques which can be painful and ineffective
Change from the ‘thumb busting’ day in day out approach to your day in the clinic
Treat conditions all more effectively incorporating Negative Pressure which you cannot achieve using traditional Myofascial Release techniques.
Create change both on a musculoskeletal and on a subtle level (dampens sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system).
Produce painless results similar to deep tissue work.
Offer your clients an alternative to standard massage treatments.
What’s covered?
Current evidence-based research supporting the benefits associated with Myofascial Cupping.
Use of equipment, infection control and contra-indications.
Anatomy of the fascia and its inter-relationship with the musculo-skeletal system.
After thorough demonstrations and discussion, students will practice exact area specific sequences including correct direction and amount of negative pressure to be applied.
Specific clinical applications including the treatment for Myofascial Trigger Points, Plantar Fasciitis and various shoulder conditions will be explored.
Register for Foundation Course (2 Days)
Myofascial Cupping Technique™ workshop - Advanced Course
Pre-requisite: Myofascial Cupping Technique™ workshop 2-day Foundation course must be completed prior to 1-day Advanced Class with a gap of at least 2 months.
Spend a full day's training with David Sheehan (Founder- Myofascial Cupping Technique™) , who will take your Myofascial Cupping to the next level with a focus on assessing and treating specific conditions often seen in clinic.
This class involves a review of previous techniques taught in the Foundation workshop, while introducing you to new and effective methods in your Myofascial Cupping treatment protocols including dynamic dry cupping with kinesiology taping along lines of fascial tension after assessing dysfunction along the lines.
Morning Session
Orthopedic Assessment using a goniometer for all students to gain benchmark prior to Myofascial Cupping and after this morning's practice session
Revision of techniques learned in Level 1 class (Practice)
Myofascial Force Transmission (Theory)
Afternoon Session
Body drawing, MTrP identification and reporting
Treatment presentation of pathway as per reporting/treatment plan
Kinesiology tape options with an emphasis on fascial lines of tension for various conditions (tape will be provided to students for class use)
Presentation of Certificate of Completion and farewell