I have been a massage therapist for 23 years. The same amount of years that I’ve ran my own clinic. I was lucky to be able to operate my clinic inside 2 of the best physiotherapy clinics in Calgary; Max Bell Sports Medicine and Village Square Life Mark Health. It was great to work with and learn from some of the best in our city.
Through my years I have worked toward creating total wellness for my clients. Since 2010 I have directed my attention more towards the Myo-Fascial release and cupping.
I specialize in pre & post joint surgery replacement massage therapy. I also do accident claims.
I also have an incredible passion for photography. It started in junior high where I did all the year book pictures. I love doing night photography, as well as wildlife and landscapes. Living outside the city, gives me the opportunity to photograph Aurora’s and stars.
I also enjoy doing portrait work and have a studio, but prefer to capture my clients outside in their natural state.
Penny Creswell

Certifications & Education
NorthWestern School of Massage & Orthopaedic Institute
Athletic First Aid
Injury and Athletic Taping
Healing Touch Level 1
Traditional Thai Massage Level 2
CPR and First Aid Certification Yearly
Visceral Manipulation, Shoulder Region & Full Body in Myofascial Release
Myofascial Cupping – Advanced
Myofascial Cupping - Instruction
Manual Therapy & Orthopedic Massage